Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting Ready

I'm trying to remember what gave me the idea.  Not sure what it was but it may come to me.

Sometime last fall I started thinking about doing a portion of the Appalachian Trail in the spring of 2016.  I've always wanted to go backpacking since I was a kid.  Never did it.  The more I thought about it, the more I thought this is the time or it may never happen.

I have even written the dates, April 30th through May 2nd, on the white board at work.  It is always hard to get away from work but I need to try.

I had an old REI backpack from the 70's.  I loaded it up with books, magazines, and cans of food to get to around 30 lbs.  The first or 2nd weekend of November I went to the Little Manatee River State Park and started hiking the trail north of the river.  It was Saturday morning.  The trail loops around for 6.4 miles but I took a shortcut and only did three miles.  It was tough.  Wasn't use to carrying the backpack and was out of shape.  Did it again on Sunday.

The trail north of the river at Little Manatee River State Park is very enjoyable.  The scenery keeps changing from higher ground with scrubby trees to old growth trees, swampy areas, and along the river.  It does not get old or boring for me.

Since then I have gotten a new backpack and started accumulating gear.  I can now do the entire trail and sometimes additional short legs to get up to over 7 miles.  It isn't easy.  Have much pain.  Asthma still kicks in.  And the heart is struggling.

Getting out of the condo, getting to the trail, and going the 1st half mail is the hardest.  Mind is telling me to go home and back to bed.  But then things get better and I just keep going.

I have to stop and catch my breath quite often.  My average speed is around 1.5 mile per hour.  I tell myself I am not racing.  I am out here on the trail to enjoy it, to look, and see new things.  It is hard to not keep thinking about the time and doing the trail fast.  I have to keep reminding myself it isn't a competition and that I am out there to enjoy it.

My plans for the AT are still coming together.  Most of the required gear has been researched and ordered.  Am thinking of how it will be not to worry about work and everything that goes with that.  I am looking forward to just walking on the trail, taking my time, looking, and enjoying it.  I am looking forward to it a lot.  I think I can do it.  Going up the mountains won't be easy but I plan to just take my time and let my body adjust.  I will not have any set plans to make a certain distance or time.  What ever happens will happen.  I will deal with what ever problems or adversities that may come up at the time, such as inclement weather, blisters, pains, water, food, shelter, and so on.

This hike on the AT is on my mind every day now.  That is a good thing,

That is enough thought for today.  Will continue tomorrow.

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